
Hey why are you looking up here? Wanting to find a secret or something?

Charatcers! (Blood and Gore Warning)

These are the charatcers that you'll find trying to survive in this AU

If you click on a charatcers picture, it'll take you to their toyhouse! (if they have one)


Status: Alive

Proto is a achivement dog that's been cloned hundereds of times. Yet now that he's free, he's seen as a murder target for more violence-prone dogs. Through a traumatic experience that rendered half of his face hairless and scarred, he regretfully got his mask. Carved out of the face of a beta dog who tried to kill and eat him alive. Of course, he's very paranoid because of this, and often seeks to his friend Mud for emotional and sometimes physical support.


Status: Alive

Mud is another achivement dog that was cloned, though not as often due to her nature. She's now doing her best to protect Proto, though she takes his safety over her own. She's much more medically trained than most dogs, due to her frequent visits to the vet because of fights before chaos erupted and her whole world went to shit. She may be tough on the outside, but the truth is that her friendship with Proto may be the only thing stopping her from going mad.


Status: Dead

Mingle was a normal dog at first, but then when the apocaypse happened and it lost it's lover and kids. It went mad. It resided near the middle of the pens infrastructure, knawning on the corpse of it's dear lover and itself for survival. But then eventually, time took hold of the pen it was residing in, resulting in the cables holding it up breaking and it falling hundereds of feet to it's dimsise.